Holistic Human Health

About Holistic Human Health

Holistic human health is a holistic perspective on the health of a human being – to look at the totality of health in a human being. As a human being, are you just the body you see in the mirror every morning or are you more than that? This “more” must be understood in order to understand health. As a human being, you have thoughts, feelings and emotions. Do these also have something to do with your health?

Further, as a human being, you don’t just live an isolated life all by yourself – you’re a part of a family in which you are born and in which you grow up; you interact with other human beings in society – you have relationships. Do these also play a role in your health? What about the rest of your environment – are you separate from nature or are you in some way “connected” to it?

How do all of these – your relationships, family, society, nature – how do they all impact your health? To look at health holistically is to understand the role of all these ramifications on our health and to see how we can have better health in totality.